Monday, November 8, 2010

The Circumcision Post: When You Talk About Penises, You're Gonna Meet Some Assholes.

Several weeks ago I posted a note to twitter that I was in the process of making a decision about whether or not to circumcise my son. Admittedly, by writing on twitter that it was on my mind, I put it into the public arena. What I was unprepared for was the speed at which people who were not in my friend graph appeared and tried to influence my opinion. Within seconds, I had messages from @circinfo and @intactbydefault, for and against. So what exactly does that mean? It means that these dudes were sitting at their computers, or more likely ipads searching for the word circumcision on twitter, and probably myspace and facebook.

I thanked them both politely for expressing interest in my sons penis, until the douche canoe calling himself @intactbydefault had the nerve to quote Gandhi by way of comparison to what he perceives as his own struggle for human rights. motherfucking Gandhi. My response was: "Yes. You are exactly like Gandhi, if Gandhi spent all day trolling the internet for mentions of baby penises and giving unsolicited advice. ass".

So here's the decision I made.... Just kidding. That will never happen, because frankly, it just isn't anyones business outside of your family. Not your Rabbi, and certainly not the creeps out there wailing over foreskins while people starve in the streets and hundreds of people are maimed every day by roadside bombs. My advice to you is that when you make your decision, go no further than your own conscience, culture, and family for your answers.


  1. Great post and yes its no ones business but yours and your familys

  2. "So here's the decision I made.... Just kidding. That will never happen, because frankly, it just isn't anyones business outside of your family."

    Just an FYI - That argument simply doesn't work with the hardcore intactivists, because they put male circumcision in the same category as female circumcision, and DON'T believe that parents have the right to do that to their children.

  3. It is a parents' decision, but its not one to be taken lightly, as the process of circumcision is extremely painful and can cause complications, especially since you're dealing with surgery on a newborn.

    Additionally, the foreskin serves vital purposes. However, those purposes are often overlooked or dismissed because most of the men who are fathers in the US right now are circumcised, and don't know there's anything "missing" or wrong with the procedure. Cultural change takes a long time.

    The tides are turning though, and routine circumcision of boys in the US (as of 2009) is at an all-time low of about 33% - so if you circumcise your boy now, he will be in the minority. This is primarily due to the fact that health organizations (including the American Academy of Pediatrics) do not recommend routine infant circumcision - the benefits do not outweigh the negatives or risks of the procedure or any long-term effects - and so most insurance companies are dropping coverage of this elective cosmetic surgery.

    If you're interested in finding out about the history of circumcision, the process of circumcision, and the purposes of the foreskin, I'd recommend reading Dionna's 3-part essay at - it is non-judgmental and informative.

    Here's part 1:
    The links to parts 2 & 3 are at the bottom of each article.

  4. Before we found out we were having a boy I had no idea how militant people were about this, something I'd always considered a non-issue. (then again I wasn't prepared for how militant parents are in general about parenting)

  5. Agree with DC Urban Dad "Great post and yes its no ones business but yours and your familys"

    Parents should research circumcision and make an informed decision for the health & well-being of their son.

    More information can be found at the following sites:

  6. A funny way to maybe help in your decision is the old joke. "After I was circumcised, I didn't walk for a year!" I hope I made you chuckle, as I was not trying to influence your choice either way. good luck with whatever you decide.
