I went out for an overnight trip to Kharkhorin with Batbold, a co-worker of Jocelyn's. Kharkhorin is about a 5-6 hours drive west of UB, and the roads are predominately paved (something you can't say for most of the countries roads.) Kharkhorin was once the capital of the country and also hosts Erdene Zuu. Erdene Zuu used to be a great temple before the communists destroyed it and religion in the country. They are rebuilding it currently, and many monks have started studying there again. Because of the communists destruction most is gone and and Erdene Zuu is a museum but in the shell of what it once was.
The crew was me, Batbold, his wife and his adorable 2 year old. His son took a little getting used to me, but soon enough was calling me "ackhar" which means something like big brother.

We stopped for a quick camel ride. Here is Batbold's wife and son. She used to live in the Gobi and knows how to ride well. She helped me lead a camel by myself. A bit scary not having someone pull you but really fun. Surprisingly when camels get running they can really move.

Penis rock. Once viewed as a sacred rock for fertility. Many having troubles getting pregnant would travel far just to touch it, thinking it would help. Just in case, I stayed far away.

another angle of the old penis rock.

The new penis rock monument.

Clearly circumcision is practices in mongolia.

just in case you wanted another angle.

Erdene Zuu

stupas and blue skies. Erdene Zuu has 108 stupas on the walls surrounding the monastery.

The 3 buddhas.


A beautiful ceiling.

different buddhas. each had a different theme or from a different time.

blue skies and stuppas.

blue skies and stuppas and mountains.

turtle rock. It had something to do with the ancients believing the world was actually not round but on a turtles back so having it as a border had some sort of protection. no, not kidding here.

another angle of the turtle.

another mongolian goal down. having a giant eagle on my arm.

surprisingly heavy. I was scared to look him in the eye as he may have clawed me to death.

check out his talons!! huge.

what a beautiful animal.


beautiful colors in the distant.

throwing rocks in the river. Both Batbold and I are not the best skimmers of rocks.

brothers! Seriously, how cute is this kid? We'd be walking and I'd just hold my hand out or a few fingers and he'd grab on for support.
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